
Early Voting

Early voting for the November 5, 2024 general election begins October 8th and ends November 3rd. Early (in-person absentee ballot) voting starts 28 d... Read More

Upcoming Election Dates & Registration Deadlines

Some elections in this list are local and do not apply for all Ohio voters. Please click the “View all” button below to view all election dates in your state.

Next Election: General
Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Registration Deadlines

Monday, October 7, 2024
By Mail (postmarked)
Monday, October 7, 2024
In Person
Monday, October 7, 2024
There are no additional election dates scheduled at this time.

Ohio Voting Information

Absentee Ballot Process

Absentee voting in Ohio is available and no excuse is required. The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before an election.

Your marked absentee ballot must be postmarked by the day before Election Day and received no later than four days after the election in order to be counted. It can also be returned in person before the close of the polls on Election Day.


Any registered voter in Ohio.


You can request an absentee ballot and return the completed form through mail or in person.

You can request your absentee ballot for each election beginning on January 1st or 90 days before Election Day, whichever is earlier, but you must submit a separate absentee ballot application for each election in which you want to vote.

To request your absentee ballot, you must use the Secretary of State's official absentee ballot application form. Previously, applications were accepted in any form as long as all the required information was included, but the law has since changed.


The last day to request an absentee ballot is 7 days before the election.


Absentee ballots must be received before the close of the polls on Election Day, or postmarked by the day before an election and received no later than four days after the close of the polls. 


Absentee voting begins 29 days before an election.

Once absentee ballots are available for voting, you may either vote in person at your county board of elections office or receive and return the absentee ballot via US mail or overnight delivery services, such as FedEx or UPS.


When absentee voting begins, you can receive your absentee ballot either by mail or in person.

By mail: You must mail your completed absentee ballot application with your original signature to your county board of elections. The board must receive your application 7 days before the election, but you should submit your request as far in advance of the election as possible to ensure you receive your absentee ballot before the election.

In-person: You can go to your county board of elections office during regular business hours after absentee ballots are available for voting, but no later than the day before the election, and request, receive, and immediately vote your ballot at the board office.

For more information, please contact the Ohio Secretary of State’s office.


You can sign up to track your absentee ballot through the Ohio Secretary of State’s website.


If you requested an absentee ballot, you can still vote in person.

If you would like to vote at the county Early Vote Center you can during the Early Voting period and you can vote a regular ballot. If you would like to vote on Election Day you can, but you will have to vote a provisional ballot. You will be asked for your absentee ballot during Early Voting, but if you do not have it with you, you can still vote on a regular ballot.


If you are hospitalized on Election Day, regardless of where you are hospitalized, you must submit a properly completed and signed request to the board of elections of the county where your voting residence is located by 3:00 p.m. on Election Day.

To be eligible under this provision, you must be confined in a hospital because of an unforeseeable medical emergency, and your application must specify where, when, and why you came to be hospitalized.

You may include in your absentee ballot application a request that your county board of elections give your unmarked ballot to a designated relative. A relative includes: your spouse, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, son, daughter, adopted parent, adopted child, stepparent, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece. Your relative would then deliver the ballot to you in the hospital and return it to the board office after you have voted it.

If you are hospitalized in the same county where you are registered to vote, two representatives of the board of elections can deliver the ballot to you and return it to the board office.


Overseas citizens and US military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Request your Ballot

Campaign Finance Information

For information on federal campaign contributions, please visit Open Secrets.

For information on state campaign contributions, please visit your state's resource.

Candidate and Ballot Measure Information

Information on local, state and federal candidates and ballot measures may be available here.


Drop Boxes

Each county in Ohio has one drop box that allows voters to return their Absentee Ballot Requests and Absentee Ballots at their Board of Elections in person. Absentee Ballots must be dropped off at your Board of Elections no later than 7:30 pm on Election Day. Click here to find the address of your Board of Elections.

You can track the status of your ballot request as well as your voted absentee ballot through the Voter Toolkit.

Note: Only the voter can use outdoor drop boxes to return their voted absentee ballot. If a family member or someone assisting a voter with a disability needs to return it, they must bring it inside the election office and sign a form stating they’re allowed to under Ohio law.

Early Voting

Early voting for the November 5, 2024 general election begins October 8th and ends November 3rd.

Early (in-person absentee ballot) voting starts 28 days before the election. All registered voters may request and vote an absentee ballot in person at their county board of elections or voting center as designated by the county.

Note: Beginning in 2023, early voting will no longer be available on the Monday before Election Day. To find the early voting hours in your county, please click here. 

For specific information on times and locations, contact your board of elections.


Election Dates

The next election date is November 5, 2024. Register to vote, or verify your registration status by October 17, 2024.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to vote you must be:

  • A citizen of the United States
  • At least 18 years old on or before the day of the general election
  • A resident of Ohio for at least 30 days immediately before the election
  • Not be incarcerated (in prison) for a felony conviction under the laws of the United States, this state or any other state of the United States
  • Not been declared incompetent for voting purposes by a probate court
  • You haven't been permanently disenfranchised for violating the election laws

Incarcerated Voters & Returning Citizens: 

In Ohio, you only lose your right to vote if you are currently incarcerated for a felony conviction. If you lost your voting rights because of a conviction, you could register to vote immediately after release. Your voting rights are not restricted by pretrial detention, misdemeanors, probation, or parole. 

Voters without traditional residence: 

Voters who do not have a fixed place of residence but are consistent or regular inhabitants of a shelter or other location may use that shelter or other location as their residence for purposes of registering to vote. They will have to vote in the precinct closest to where they receive mail. So, if the individual registers and receives mail at the shelter, they need to vote at the precinct near the shelter.  

ID Needed for Voter Registration

You may register to vote online, in person or by mail.


To register online you will need to provide the following:

  • Ohio driver’s license or Ohio identification card number
  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Last four digits of your Social Security number

If you do not have any portion of the required information, follow this link to update your voting address using our paper form (PDF). Once you complete this form, you must sign and send it to your county board of elections. 

If you are a Safe at Home participant, before you proceed, please follow this link to contact the Safe at Home office.

ID Needed for Voting

You must provide proof of ID to vote.

The forms of identification that may be used include:

  • An unexpired Ohio driver’s license or state identification card with a present or former address so long as your present residential address is printed in the official list of registered voters for that precinct;
  • U.S. military IDs, including Ohio National Guard
  • A photo identification that was issued by the United States government or the State of Ohio that contains your name and current address and that has an expiration date that has not passed;
    • BMV issued Ohio license or ID card (old address acceptable)
    • U.S. Military, U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs, or Ohio National Guard card, U.S. Passport Book/Card
    • Note: State University IDs are not a valid form of photo ID to vote
  • Probationary and restricted driver's licenses are permitted

Note: You can no longer substitute a valid photo ID with a utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document containing your name and address. If you do not have a valid photo ID at the polls, you may vote a provisional ballot. For that ballot to be counted, you must present a photo ID at the office of the Board of Elections no later than the fourth day after Election Day.

Individual exceptions to the Voter ID rules may be made for religious reasons.

Voters can call or text 844-338-8743 at any time to reach VoteRiders Voter ID Helpline

Official Results

Official results are never available on Election Day. Election officials are working around the clock to count an unprecedented number of ballots, and it’s essential that they take the time to make sure every vote is counted.

The cure period for absentee ballots and provisional ballots is four days.

After election night, no more results will be released until final certification. Official election results will be uploaded on Ohio’s Secretary of State website as they become available.   

Official Results

Overseas and Military Voters

You are a Military or Overseas voter if you are in uniformed services, living overseas OR a spouse or dependent of a uniformed services voter. To get registered and vote, you can utilize Overseas Vote Foundation.

If you have additional questions about elections and voting overseas you can use our state specific elections official directory or contact the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Poll Worker Information

You can make sure we have safe, fair, and efficient elections for all. Become a poll worker today!

In order to be a poll worker in Ohio, you must:

  • Be registered to vote in the county in which you plan to work
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be a resident of the county and state for the 30 days prior to the election
  • Complete required training
  • Not have been convicted of a felony
  • Cannot be running as a candidate for the election in which you are working
  • Students 17 years old must be a country resident and enrolled in senior year of high school to be appointed

You will be entitled to compensation

To sign up, contact your local board of elections.

Polling Place Hours

The polls will be open from 6:30 am - 7:30 pm.

Polling Place Locator

You can find your polling place by utilizing your state resource. If you have further questions on your polling place location, please contact your county clerk.

Primary Election Process

Ohio is a “partially open” primary state. This allows voters to vote in another parties primary. You are asked to choose your party when you register to vote, however, you are able to publicly change your party affiliation in order to vote in your selected parties primary election.

If you have any questions about your state’s primary election, please contact your local election officials.

Provisional Voting

A provisional ballot is used to record a vote if the voter's eligibility is in question and the voter would otherwise not be allowed to vote.

There are several scenarios where a voter may cast a provisional ballot:

  • Your name does not appear on the official poll list for the precinct or an election official asserts that you are not eligible to vote or is unable to determine your eligibility
  • You are unable or decline to provide the required proof of identity
  • Your name appears on the official poll list for that precinct as having already requested an absentee ballot
  • Your name is marked on the poll list or signature book with a notation that certain registration mailings have been returned as undeliverable.
  • A hearing on a challenge to your eligibility as an elector has been postponed until after Election Day.
  • In the opinion of the precinct officers, your signature does not match the signature on your registration form.
  • Your eligibility to cast a ballot has been challenged by the precinct officials.

Before your provisional ballot can be included in the official count of an election, the board of elections must confirm your eligibility to cast the ballot and the validity of the ballot you cast. If you cast a provisional ballot and provided acceptable proof of identity, you typically do not need to provide any additional information. However, if you cast a provisional ballot and did not provide acceptable proof of identity at the time of voting, you must appear in person at the Board of Elections no later than seven days following the election to provide such proof within the 4 days immediately following Election Day. Acceptable proof of identity includes:

  • Current and valid photo ID
  • A military identification
  • The last four digits of your Social Security number

Provisional ballots are counted until the 8th day after Election Day or until any hearing required under State Law with regard to the provisional voter is held, whichever is earlier. The counting of absentee ballots begins on the 5th day following an election. 

Provisions for Voters with Disabilities

Ohio polling places should provide touch screen voting machines and have audio adaptations for assisting the blind. There are also adaptations for voters with lack of muscle control.

If you have a disability you may also have assistance by two election officials (of different political parties) or by the person of your choice (except employer or union agent). Poll workers are urged to accommodate voters with disabilities in any way they can.

If the polling place is not accessible for you, you may vote a ballot from your vehicle at all polling places.

Additional Resources:

Access the Vote has released new videos showcasing Florida's two most-used accessible voting machines and providing instructions on how to use them. Click here to watch.

For more information, you can utilize the American Association of People With Disabilities (AAPD) resource or your state resource.


Registration Deadline

Online voter registration is available! The registration deadline is 30 days before the election. If you register or update your information after the deadline, the change will apply for the next election.

To register online you will need to provide the following:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Ohio driver’s license or Ohio identification card number
  • Last four digits of your Social Security number

If you are missing any of the required information listed above, follow this link to update your voting address using the paper form (PDF). Once you complete this form, you must sign and send it to your county board of elections.

Time Off To Vote

Employers are prohibited from firing an employee who takes a reasonable amount of time to vote. Salaried employees should be eligible for paid time off to vote. Specifications of time vary by employer.

Verify Voter Registration

To verify your voter registration status

click here!

Voting Machines

The voting systems used in Ohio are optical scan and DRE.

Optical Scan: With this system, you will receive a card or sheet of paper, which you take over to a private table or booth. The card has the names of the various candidates and ballot measures printed on it. With a pen or pencil you fill in a little box or circle or the space between two arrows. When you are finished filling out all the cards, you may bring the cards over to a ballot box, where poll workers will show you how to put the cards in the box. Or in some places, you may feed the completed cards or papers into a computer device that checks your card or paper right there at the polling place to make sure you have voted the way you want to and counts the votes.

Direct Recording Electronic (DRE): This is the newest kind of system in use in the U.S. All the information about who and what you are voting for is on an electronic screen like a TV or computer screen.

There are many variations of DREs because lots of companies are inventing new ones, and many cities, counties and states are trying them out. Usually, after you have signed in, the poll workers will give you a card that you slide into a device to start your voting session.

Some of these devices will show all of the candidates and ballot choices on one big screen. Often, with these big screen devices you push a button next to the name of the candidate you want to vote for (or yes or no on a ballot measure). On other DREs, the screen is set up to show pages. On each screen or page, there will probably be one thing to vote on. For example, on one screen or page, you might vote for president. Then you might move to the next page to vote for senator. Often these small-screen devices have a touch screen, where you touch the screen next to the name of the person you want to vote for. Other devices have a key pad. And some have a keyboard, so you can write in the name of someone you want to vote for.

You let the system know you are finished voting by pushing a button, touching the screen or entering something on a keypad.

You can learn more about voting systems by checking out the Elections Assistance Commission's (EAC) resource.

Personalized voting information

  • See What's On Your Ballot
  • Check Your Voter Registration
  • Find Your Polling Place
  • Discover Upcoming Debates and Forum in Your Area

Get Started

Ohio Department of State

Office of the Ohio Secretary of State

180 Civic Center Dr.

Columbus, Ohio 43215

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LWV of Ohio

LWV volunteers work year-round to register new voters, host community forums and debates, and provide voters with election information they need.

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